This absolutely deserves first place on the list! When we gobble our food, we don’t chew it properly. Take a moment to imagine you and a friend enjoying a tasty chicken curry… You’re in a hurry, wolfing down your food while your friend savours the meal, eating slowly. As we travel to your stomachs you are far more likely to have chunks of chicken sitting there, while your friend will have a nice mush (the technical term is chyme). Your stomach is going to have to work significantly harder, producing more stomach acid to break down those chunks, placing a lot more stress on your digestive system which can ultimately lead to heartburn, IBS etc.
When we’re stressed we invoke something called the fight or flight stress response. Have you heard of it? It helps our bodies cope with the immediate threat of attack (that it believes we’re under) by firing up the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Part of this response diverts blood away from the digestive system to the brain and muscles where it believes it’s really needed. So if you eat in this state you have approx 40% less blood in your digestive system, significantly affecting how much of the good stuff on your plate you’re going to assimilate. Try to take a few breaths to relax before you eat.
Chicken stock and bone broth (made with marrow bones) are two of the most healing foods I know. They are jam-packed with goodies like collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin which do so much to heal the little villi and microvilli in our small intestines. Really, this is a whole other article in itself, so I’m going to keep it brief and say that I see these villi and microvilli like the roots of a plant and sometimes it doesn’t matter how good the quality of the soil, the fertiliser is, if the roots are damaged the nutrients can’t be assimilated and the whole plant is affected. These villi and microvilli can so easily become damaged as they are sensitive to antibiotics, steroids, stress and many other factors. Chicken stock and bone broth are medicine for these villi and microvilli and can dramatically improve your ability to assimilate nourishment.
So often I see ladies presenting with mood & hormone imbalances, dry skin, constipation, weight gain and a huge fear of foods like avocados, nuts, coconut oil… We need these good fats in our diets to boost metabolism, balance hormones, and help with mood and skin.
This is not expensive and is worth every penny! The concept is that you cook food very slowly at a low temperature which preserves the nutrients. Practically, it’s a wonderful way to enjoy nourishing food while factoring in a busy life. Notice not only the flavours of your casseroles but also how digestible and nourishing they are, and how comfortable your tummy feels after eating them.
Slow Cooker Bean and Quinoa Chili
Need I say more? Sugar is what’s known as an ‘anti-nutrient’. This means your body has to use its own reserves of B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and others in order to metabolise it, leaving you further depleted.
The average person eats approximately seven meals in rotation. The more food sources we have, the more likely we are to have a wider range of nutrients and nourishment. Problems can begin when we become overly reliant on any one food or group. So often I see clients with IBS who are way too dependent on wheat. For example, they might have a “healthy” wheat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and then pasta or pizza in the evening.
I work with clients around all kinds of diets and belief systems and there are healthy and unhealthy ways of following these systems. It’s all about following your ethics in an informed way so that you don’t develop problems further down the line. For example, I often see vegetarians whose diets are very carb-heavy which can cause blood sugar imbalances and digestive issues.
Have you heard of the ‘nocebo’ effect? It’s the opposite of a placebo and basically means, that if you believe something is going to do you harm, then it’s far more likely to do you harm. In an ideal world, we would eat nourishing food 100% of the time, but we don’t and when it’s time to celebrate sometimes it’s fun to indulge in something we wouldn’t normally eat. That’s okay! Beating yourself up afterwards is a waste of energy.
Tune in and become aware of how your body is feeling. Don’t be governed the the brain’s need for ‘quick fixes’. Start to learn the impact different foods have on you as an individual.
Does wheat cause your tummy to bloat? Does a slow-cooked tagine feel great? How long does an egg at breakfast keep you going? See it all as an experiment and the more you do this, the more developed your awareness and sense of nourishment will become.
Wishing you the best of health!
Claudia xx